Tuesday, September 16, 2008



so today me and my friend chasity took off to gulf shores to relax and get away for a bit... since its hurricane season they redo the beaches so that its harder for the water to get up to the streets so it was a great day to look for shells...we got BIG ones, little ones, the tornado lookin ones, sand dollars...tons and tons oh and a dead crab but i did NOT touch it dont worry! lol We also got attacked by killer flys that bit us which was really wierd...for one i have never seen a fly at the beach and two i did not know they bit...they didnt leave marks but they hurt....not only did we get attacked but my truck got attacked to by LOVE BUGS (Gross) i had to go wash my truck today because the windshield was COVERED lol but i thought i would share the trip and some pictures we took with yall.... oh btw TOTALLY GOT SUNBURNT!!! haha

Friday, September 12, 2008

What a Way to End the Week!

So today I had to post an story for an extra credit chance for my English Lit class. I thought i would share it with everyone...it had to be a story with a message so I pulled it from my own experiences. Hope yall like it.

Don’t Scream… Just Breathe…

When stress overcomes me I go in a state of panic. I want to cry, I want to throw something, and I even at times want to scream. Slowly I look around to see if anyone is watching… I try not to let anyone see the tears rising in my eyes; I try to calm myself down. My heart starts to hurt and I start having trouble breathing. I panic even more in fear that I will not calm down and I will drive my self crazy and embarrass myself in front of others. I can not concentrate if my life depended on it so I quit. I put down the pencil and give up. I always find comfort in talking to someone that knows me and that can calm me down so like always I call my mother. My mother is a very good Christian lady that can always bring your spirits up when you need them to be. She gets me to calm down and says “look just go take a break do something fun or just watch TV…don’t think about anything for like 30 minutes and relax”. I take a deep breath and go and get a snack and sit down in the living room to watch TV. While I am thinking about nothing my mother is thinking about something. She at one point in time in her life got stressed easily and wanted to scream. She came up with a prayer that she could pray when she felt the screaming urge and she passed it along to me. It read, “Help me to take a breath before I speak and walk away before I scream. I will face my fears and walk on help me to be a better example to others.” I hold that close to my heart and every time I feel that urge I just look on the wall where it is posted and quietly read it to myself as I take a deep breath and relax. Not everything has to be so stressful you just have to learn to stop and breathe.

okay so on a happier note I made an 80 on my bio test and a 97 on my math test which made this Friday an AMAZING end to the week. I work tonight from 5-945 and then i have the rest of the weekend off. Nothing big planned just ready to relax for a few days. I guess I should go eat some lunch since its about that time and maybe even take a nap...totally didnt sleep well last night. Hope yall have a great weekend!!! LOVE YOU!

Monday, September 8, 2008


oh my so yesterday i had to finish reading Beowulf and take a TWO HOUR test on it. I had to pick 2 of 3 questions to answer and write a 2 page essay for each. TALK ABOUT STRESSFUL!!! in days previous to this part of the exam i took a 30minute multiple choice exam but because of my lack of reading i completely BOMBED the darn thing. I have more chances to pull up my grade since its the first of the semester thank goodness. tomorrow is my first day of work which is kind of exciting....i work from 4-830 tomorrow and then Friday from 145-945. Not a lot of hours but at least i can do my school work and study and work without being too overwhelmed. its a possibility hurricane IKE will head this way which is kinda fun....I haven't been through a hurricane yet so i hope it drops down below a 3 so i can stay and watch and take pictures and stuff. If its still big when it comes though i am pretty sure i will head to mom and dads for the weekend. ADVENTURE!!!! I haven't been home since i moved so that would be very exciting. well I have a biology test tomorrow which i need to study for and i need to eat lunch and either take a nap or find something to wake me up. I will talk to y'all very soon. LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Taking A Mental Picture

So this is my first blog so it'll be a rocky start but I will get the hang of it. Mobile is going really good! I really like it down here even though I do miss home at times. School is going well... I am staying on top of everything right now which is not like myself as most of you know. (haha) I start working at Old Navy next week so that will past time by quicker..THANK GOODNESS! I am completely thrown off this week because of Labor day and because my school was closed yesterday due to Hurricane Gustav. We did not get any damage just some rain and wind but I think I am ready to experience a little bit more than rain and a little bit of wind so I can be prepared and not all scared like I am known to get when bad storms come through. I should be getting to my homework that was delayed by the loud music next door...Hopefully I can focus now. I will talk to ya'll soon I'm sure. BYE FOR NOW!